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Lowongan Kerja PT Elnusa Tbk Indonesia 2020

Lowongan Kerja PT Elnusa Tbk - PT Elnusa Tbk merupakan salah satu perusahaan terkemuka dan juga terbesar di Indonesi yang merupakan perusahaan satu-satunya yang menguasai kompetensi di bidang jasa minyak dan gas bumi antara lain: Jasa Seismic, Pengeboran dan Pengelolaan Lapangan Minyak. Elnusa menyediakan jasa migas dengan strategi aliansi global bagi perusahaan migas berkelas dunia dan juga sesuai dengan standar keselamatan dan lindung lingkungan.

PT Elnusa Tbk dibangun pada 25 Januari 1969 dengan nama PT Electronika Nusantara dan memulai kegiatan usaha komersialnya pada tahun 1969. Kantor pusat ELSA berdomisili di Graha Elnusa Lt. 16, Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 1B, Jakarta Selatan. PT Elnusa didirikan oleh Ir. Udaya Hadibroto M.Sc. Pada pendirannya Ir . Udaya Hadibroto juga dibantu dari beberapa teknisi, diantaranya Gunarno yang mana mereka adalah lulusan Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Sebagai tanggapan terhadap transformasi global dan memperluas perspektif PT Elnusa Tbk dalam Pertumbuhan Bisnis, PT Elnusa Tbk mencari individu berkompetensi tinggi untuk menjadi bagian dari pertumbuhan organisasi PT Elnusa Tbk untuk posisi Construction Manager, HSE Coordinator
,Project Control, Project Engineer/Lead Engineer, Project Manager, QA QC ManagerMengenai gaji dan kesejahteraan di karyawan untuk prosisi Packing Operator sudah cukup terjamin. Tidak membedakan karyawan kontrak dan tetap, saling membantu, dan paling penting safety nomor satu. Terdapat beragam bonus untuk semua karyawan yang loyal terhadap perusahaan diantaranya tunjangan BPJS, tunjangan akhir bulan, tunjangan transportasi, tunjangan makan, tunjangan bonus akhir tahun, dan masih banyak lagi bonus yang diberikan dari PT Elnusa Tbk.

Kalau anda memang berminat untuk bekerja di PT Elnusa Tbkberikut syarat dan kualifikasi yang harus anda penuhi.

Construction Manager
  • Graduated with a bachelor degree of engineering.
  • Good Command in English (speaking and writing) is required. Excellent communication skills (oral and written) are essential.
  • Experience min. 12 years (min 5 years in the same role in managerial), working with company, with project experiences in constructions for insfrastructure, mining, petrochemical, refinery plant, heavy equipment industrial or manufacturing project (Upsteam and Downstream Project).
  • Must be perform to understand construction engineering, fully support to fabrication and erection work, construction activity, tersting and specific code/standard regulation, Procedure SOP (standard operation procedure) before execution.
  • Must be able to make weekly report, verify design and construction, material, equipment to used anda project construction procedure and plan, project drawing, material handling and transportation.
  • Maximal 45 years old
  • Placement at Rokan & Beringin — Riau & Prabumulih

HSE Coordinator
  • Minimum S1 satety in K3 or technical background and have minimum 12 years experience in industrial safety fields induding 3 years minimum in oil and gas construction/production and/or EPC related fields.
  • Good Command in English (speaking and writing) is required. Excellent communication skills (oral and ritten) are essential.
  • Certificate K3 migas or general and previous experience as HSE coordinator.
  • A strong background in safety codes of Practices and Standards (OSHA, NFPA, Safety laws, etc) and Government of indonesia laws of safety and environment.
  • Knowledge able and experienced in developing and implementing safety health and environmental program.
  • Maximal 45 years old
  • Placement at Rokan & Beringin — Riau & Prabumulih

Project Control
  • Graduate with a Bachelor degree of engineering.
  • Good Command in English (speaking and writing) is required. Excellent communication skills (oral and written) are essential.
  • Experience min.10 years (min 5 years in the same role in managerial), working with multinasional EPC company, with project experiences in constructions for insfrastructure, mining petrochemical, refinery plant, heavy equipment industrial or manufacturing project (Upstream and Downstream Project).
  • Extensive familiarity with computer spreadsheet applications and scheduling software (primavera or microsoft project).
  • Advertising project team on cost control & contract compliance.
  • Performs project schedule analysis and identifies potential problem areas to determine iticality of schedule activities..
  • Recommends alternatives for schedule improvement to Project team for discussion and/or decision.
  • Tracking progress & reports against actual cost and Preparing and updating weekly and monthly project cost reports.
  • To ensure that Post Project Critiques (PPC) and Close Out Reports (COR) are well documented and issued after Project completion.
  • Maximal 45 years old
  • Placement at Rokan & Beringin — Riau & Prabumulih

Project Engineer/Lead Engineer
  • Graduated with bachelor degree of engineering.
  • Good Command in English (speaking and writing) is required. Excellent communication skills (oral and wri a essential.
  • Experience min. 12 years (min 5 years in the same role in managerial), working with multinational EPC company, with project experiences in constructions for insfrastructure, mining, petrochemical, refinery plant, heavy equipment industrial or manufacturing project (Upstream and Downstr m Project).
  • Produce all of PMT (Project Management) Produce/Plan and prepare for deliverable list. And then review for other
  • Procedures/Plan such us QA/QC, HSE, Procurement Construction/Fabrication and Commissioning.
  • Ensure that the detail included in the procedures are fully understood and properly applied by truction personnel and that all project preparation is in order.
  • Review project planning with a view to improve on the completion date, if possible during implementation.
  • Review detail engineering document such us basis design, specification, data sheet calculation and drawing.
  • Know about the current progress of the project with respect to planning and should be able to give details of why project ahead/behind schedule at all times.
  • Maximal 45 years old
  • Placement at Rokan & Beringin — Riau & Prabumulih

Project Manager
  • Graduate with bachelor degree of engineering.
  • Good Command in English (speaking and writing) is required. Excellent communication skills (oral and vritten) are essential.
  • Experience min. 15 years (min 5 years in the same role in managerial), working with multinationa company, with project experiences in constructions for insfrastructure, mining, emical, refinery plant, heavy equipment industrial or manufacturing project (Upstream and Downstream Project).
  • Responsible for total delivery of project including: for project planning, management and allocation of manpower, project management, client management, contract admistration and cost management.
  • Maximal 50 years old
  • Placement at Rokan & Beringin — Riau & Prabumulih

QA QC Manager
  • Graduated with bachelor degree of engineering.
  • Good Command in English (speaking and writing) is required. Excellent communication skills (oral and vritten) are essential.
  • Experience min. 10 years (min 5 years in the same role in managerial), working with multinationa company, with project experiences in constructions for insfrastructure, mining, emical, refinery plant, heavy equipment industrial or manufacturing project (Upstream and Downstream Project).
  • Familiar with welding code, standard, specifiaction, isometic/structural drawing on Construction EPC Project.
  • Previous experience as Welding Inspector
  • Monitoring all tols and equipment for construction and EPC activities delivered compiles.
  • Knowledgeable and experienced in all fabricated materials.
  • Maximal 45 years old
  • Placement at Rokan & Beringin — Riau & Prabumulih

Apabila semua syarat dan dokumen PT Elnusa Tbk sudah anda lengkapi, selanjutnya silahkan kirimkan berkas lamaran anda Via Email dengan alamat di bawah ini

Alamat Email PT Elnusa Tbk
recruitment@elnusa.co.id or catur.hartomo@elnusa.co.id
Please subject your email: Position_Your Name

*Only qualified candidates will be processed.


Please be aware that Elnusa will never ask the applicant to pay any fee and Elnusa is only sending email by using elnusa.co.id domain

  Alamat PT Elnusa Tbk
Graha Elnusa Lantai 16, Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1 B, RT.10/RW.3, Cilandak Tim., Kec. Ps. Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12560 

Proses seleksi peserta di PT Elnusa Tbk termasuk cepat, LAMARAN akan diperlakukan secara rahasia & hanya kandidat terpilih akan dihubungi dan diproses

Jika lolos maka anda akan langsung masuk tahap selanjutnya.

Jika dalam waktu 1 bulan belum juga ada panggilan, jangan sedih, mungkin anda belum beruntung dan saat nya anda lengkapi berkas dan sesuai persyaratan yang diminta perusahaan. Semangat Jobseeker, doa kami menyertaimu.

Silahkan share info ini agar bisa bermanfaat jika anda mendapat panggilan kerja.

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